Organic chemistry for science and society

Photochemistry and Materials Science of Flapping Molecules (FLAP)

FLAPの光化学: まとめ記事(レーザー学会誌)


これまでのPress Release

Ratiometric Force Probe

Monitoring Polymer Chain Stretching and Strain-Induced Crystallization

Molecular Viscosity Probe (for the public)

Molecular Viscosity Probe (for professionals)

Light-Melt Adhesive

Excited-State Aromaticity


The First FLAP: Single-Component RGB Emission (JACS 2013)

Light-Melt Adhesive (NatureCommun 2016)

Force Probe for Polymer Physics (NatureCommun 2022, JACS 2022, JACS 2018)

Viscosity Probe (JMCC2016, AngewChem 2020, BCSJ 2020, ChemCommun 2022)

Excited-State Aromaticity (JACS 2017, JACS 2020)

Single-molecule Fluorescence Spectroscopy (JACS 2021)

Singlet Fission (AngewChem2018)

Monolayer Assembly at Air-Water Interface (ChemAsianJ 2019)





Shohei Saito 齊藤 尚平     ORCID: 0000-0003-1863-9956 Professor
Osaka University
Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science
1-1, Machikaneyama-cho, Toyonaka, Osaka, Japan 560-0043

機能分子材料研究室 教授