Organic chemistry for science and society

2024 Sep




Mr Ono (M2) received a presentation award from JLCS. Congratulations!


"Development of a liquid crystalline pressure-sensitive adhesive"

Kota Ono, Kensuke Suga, Mitsuo Hara, Katsuki Miyokawa,Tsubasa Honda, Kazuya Otsubo, and Shohei Saito



2024 Apr 25


PhD student Mr Suga (D3) received a presentation award from CSJ. Congratulations!


"Controlling dual emission properties of the flapping molecules by electronic tuning"

Kensuke SUGA, Shohei SAITO

Session: Photochemistry (English)



2024 Apr



2024 Apr 1




Dr Shohei SAITO has been a Full Professor at Osaka University (Toyonaka Campus).

Welcome to our new laboratory! New HP will be launched soon.


2024 Apr 1

科研費 基盤研究Aに採択されました。


(2024 Apr-2029 Mar)


2023 Dec 14



2023 Dec 5

The accepted JACS paper for monitoring polymer chain stretching and crystallization has been released on the Web.



2023 Dec 4



2023 Nov 21

A paper on polymer physics of the strain-induced crystallization (SIC) has been accepted in JACS.

Polymer chain stretching and SIC have been quantitatively mapped and monitored by "dual" ratiometric fluorescence imaging.


The corresponding preprint has been uploaded on ChemRxiv.

"Dual Ratiometric Fluorescence Monitoring of Mechanical Polymer Chain Stretching and Subsequent Strain-Induced Crystallization"
Kensuke Suga, Takuya Yamakado, and Shohei Saito*.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, accepted.

プレプリントにアップしていた論文がJ. Am. Chem. Soc.誌にアクセプトされました。近日中にプレスリリース予定です。


2023 Summer-Autumn Lectures







2023 Nov 7-10

Participated in 10th International Symposium On Photochromism, ISOP 2023 at Nara.

A Contributed Lecture on the latest advance in the ratiometric force probe has been delivered.


2023 Aug 24

Invited to Gordon Research Conference on the Multiscale Mechanochemistry and Mechanobiology. The conference will be held July 2024 at Bates College.

来年アメリカで開催されるゴードン会議に招待されました!(領域: Multiscale Mechanochemistry and Mechanobiology)


A collaborative work with Dr. Yoneda and Prof. Kuramochi (IMS) has been accepted on Photochem Photobiol Science.

"Environment-sensitive fluorescence of COT-fused perylene bisimide based on symmetry-breaking charge separation"Ryo Kimura, Yusuke Yoneda, Hikaru Kuramochi,* and Shohei Saito*

Dedicated to Prof. Fred Brouwer


A collaborative work with Prof. Jyotishman Dasgupta (TATA, India) and Prof. Edu Matito (DIPC, Spain) has been accepted on Journal of Materials Chemistry C.

"Triplet conformation in chromophore-fused cyclooctatetraene dyes"

Sunandita Paul, Hidetsugu Kitakado, Kensuke Suga, Ryota Kotani, Nilanjan Dey, Ravindra Venkatramani, Eduard Matito, Shohei Saito* and Jyotishman Dasgupta*


2022 Dec 26

Kensuke SUGA (PhD student) will visit Prof. Cyrille Boyer Lab at UNSW, Sydney for 6 months in 2023 with the financial support by  JSPS Overseas Challenge Program for Young Researchers . Congratulations!


須賀君(D1)がJSPSの若手研究者海外挑戦プログラムに採択され、シドニーのニュー・サウス・ウェールズ大学(UNSW, Prof. Cyrille Boyer Lab)で2023年に半年間研究することになりました。機能性の高分子合成や、新素材の3Dプリンティングの研究に従事する予定です。おめでとうございます。


2022 Oct 11

Collaboration work with Prof. Fuyuki Ito (Shinshu Univ.) on the FLAP fluorescent probe was accepted for publication in Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences.

伊藤冬樹先生(信州大学)との共同研究がPhotochem. Photobio. Sci. にアクセプトされました。FLAP蛍光プローブとハイパースペクトルカメラを用いて、溶媒蒸発過程における溶質の集合を分子論的に追跡しました。


2022 Oct 7

Mr. Suga (D1 student) was awarded Journal of Materials Chemistry A Presentation Prize from The Japanese Photochemistry Association.

SUGA Kensuke “Two-Step Color Change of a Fluorescent Force Probe in Stretched Polymer Films”

D1の須賀君が光化学討論会のポスター発表でJournal of Materials Chemistry A Presentation Prize (JMCA賞)を受賞しました。



2022 Sep 21

Dr. Saito received Nozoe Memorial Award for Young Organic Chemists from The Society of Physical Organic Chemistry, Japan.

SAITO Shohei "Molecular Technology Based on Flexible pi-Electron Systems"

基礎有機化学会にて野副記念奨励 を受賞しました。

齊藤尚平 「π共役骨格の柔軟性を活かした分子技術の創出」


2022 Sep 8

関東高分子若手研究会 2022 ミニシンポジウム(札幌, ホスト:中川 慎太郎 先生(東大生研))にて招待講演を行いました。


2022 Summer

Invited lectures were given in the international conferences of

1) Molecular Rotors, Motors, and Switches (Telluride, hosted by Rainer Herges)

2) PhotoIUPAC 2022 (Amsterdam, hosted by Fred Brouwer)

3) AIE-5 (online (Shenzhen), hosted by Ben Zhong Tang, Bin Liu, Andrea Pucci, Anjun Qin)

4) OLC-2021 SWS-2022 (Okinawa, hosted by Jun Yamamoto)

5) IUMRS-ICYRAM2022 (Fukuoka, hosted by Ayumi Ishii).


2022 Jun 23


研究題目「動的なπ スタック構造を活用した超分子-高分子ハイブリッド材料の開発とシミュレーション手法の確立」


2022 Jun 21

川井茂樹先生(NIMS)との共同研究のホウ素ドープグラフェンナノリボンのスピン状態操作に関する研究がACS Nanoにアクセプトされました。

Collaborative work with Dr. Kawai (NIMS) on spin manipulation of the Boron-doped graphene nanoribbon has been accepted in ACS Nano.


2022 Apr 11



2022 Mar





2022 Feb 24

An ACS press release focused on the flapping force probe.

FLAP force probeの論文がアメリカ化学会(ACS)のWeekly PressPacsに選出され、解説動画とともにプレ スリリースされました。


2022 Feb 3

A ratiometric flapping force probe for polymer gels has been released in JACS (open access).

Ratiometric Flapping Force Probe That Works in Polymer Gels
T. Yamakado and S. Saito*
See Movies in the Research tub.

溶媒存在下でも機能する蛍光レシオ型Force Probeを開発し、圧縮したゲルの局所応力集中をイメージングした研究成果がJ. Am. Chem. Soc.誌で公開されました。従来のFLAP Force Probeは、溶媒和されると自発的に励起状態平面化が起こってしまうため、高分子ゴムにしか適用できませんでした。今回、FLAPの翼部位の分子設計を変えることで、励起状態平面化を抑制し、力がかかったときにだけ平面化して蛍光応答する二重蛍光型のForce Probeを開発しました。高分子ゲルの分子鎖に新規FLAPを導入することで、ゲル試料にかかる微弱な圧縮応力の局所分布を可逆かつリアルタイムにイメージングできます。本論文はオープンアクセスです(CC BY NC ND)。


2022 Jan 13

A paper on a ratiometric force probe has been released in Nature Commun.

Title: Bridging Pico-to-Nanonewton with a Ratiometric Force Probe for Monitoring Nanoscale Polymer Physics Before Damage
Authors: Ryota Kotani, Soichi Yokoyama, Shunpei Nobusue, Shigehiro Yamaguchi, Atsuhiro Osuka, Hiroshi Yabu*, and Shohei Saito*

蛍光レシオ型Force Probeの研究成果が京都大学からプレスリリースされました。



2021 Dec 16

蛍光レシオ型のForce Probeを開発して新しい高分子力学の知見を得た論文がNature Commun誌にアクセプトされました。共著者の皆様、支援して下さった方々には誠に感謝いたします。本研究は、分子科学、光化学、高分子物理にまたがる分子力学を深掘りするもので、物理や生物の研究者にも興味をもっていただける内容です。本成果は、JSTさきがけ光極限、井上リサーチアウォードの研究プロジェクトの集大成となるものです。

Preprint at the arXiv


2021 Dec 9

ゲルの中でも機能するFLAP force probeの論文をChemRxivで公開しました。FLAPの翼の構造を変えることで励起状態平面化を抑制し、ゲルのような溶媒存在環境でもサブMPaの圧縮応力の分布を定量できる蛍光レシオイメージングができるようになりました。


2021 Nov 28

表面化学の専門家である川井茂樹先生(NIMS)との共同研究がAngew. Chem. Int. Ed.にアクセプトされました。-CF3同士のカップリングで-C≡C-架橋する表面反応を発見し、これを利用してポルフィリン金属錯体のMultiblock-co-oligomerを表面合成しました。


2021 Nov 18



 山本和佳、栗山怜子*、北鹿渡秀嗣、齊藤尚平、巽 和也、中部主敬

 流体力学会誌「ながれ」〔特集〕注目研究 in 年会2021


2021 Nov 1


→ 2022 Jan 15  論文がChem. Commun. に採択されました。


2021 Oct 1


「Mechanoresponsive PDMS that reversibly changes fluorescence in sub-MPa stress」





2021 Sep 28





2021 Sep 11

科研費 学術変革(A)「高密度共役」公募班 に採択されました。



2021 Aug 21

A paper on the analysis of dynamic polymer free volume has been accepted as an Article of JACS.

This work includes multidisciplinary advances in 1) organic synthesis of a new fluorescent probe (N-FLAP), 2) single-molecule dual-fluorescence study for analyzing polymer free volume dynamics (Collaboration with Prof. Martin Vacha and Dr. Shun Omagari), and 3) QM/MM application to fluorophore-doped polymers (Collaboration with Dr. Ryuma Sato).

ChemRxivにアップしていた論文が J. Am. Chem. Soc.誌に採択されました。共同研究者の皆様にはご協力感謝いたします。


2021 Aug 6

大阪府立大学 第89回講演会 有機化学研究会(白鷺セミナー, オンライン開催)にて招待講演をさせていただきました。


2021 June 4

ChemRxivに論文をアップしました。二重発光性FLAPのBrightnessを向上させ、高分子にドープして単一分子蛍光分光法を実施することで、高分子の自由体積が時々刻々と変化する様子を直接的に観察しました。本研究は東工大のVACHA Martin先生・大曲駿先生(単一分子蛍光分光)、産総研の佐藤竜馬先生(MD計算、QM/MM計算)との共同研究です。


2021 May 27



2021 May 1

日本化学会で蛍光Force Probeについて講演した山角君(D3)と北鹿渡君(D2)が学生講演賞を受賞しました。



(京大院理)山角 拓也・齊藤 尚平


「サブ MPa の応力で可逆的な蛍光応答を示す PDMS の開発と力学解析」

(京大院理)北鹿渡秀嗣・齊藤 尚平





2021 Apr 6

蔚山科学技術大学校(UNIST, Korea)のSpring Seminarにてオンラインで招待講演をさせていただきました。

「Flapping Molecules for Functional Probe and Materials」


2021 Apr 5




2021 Apr 3

科研費 基盤Bに採択されました。



2021 Apr 1






2021 Mar 31

高分子学会会誌「高分子」8月号特集=力を可視化する  の依頼記事を寄稿しました。

「蛍光Force Probeで高分子鎖のナノ応力集中を診る」


2021 Mar 19-22





2021 Mar 11

日本レオロジー学会高分子加工技術研究会 第92回例会にて招待講演をさせていただきました。

「柔軟な蛍光性Force Probeを用いて高分子の局所応力集中を理解する」


2021 Mar 9





日本化学会春年会 3/20 9:00- (A16-2am-01)


2021 Mar 6




2021 Feb 17





2021 Feb 2




2020 Dec 9



2020 Nov 2



2020 Oct 31

arXivに論文をアップしました。FLAPをForce probeとして用いて架橋高分子鎖のナノレベルの応力集中の偏りを定量しました。


2020 Oct 23



2020 Sep 28



2020 Sep 18



2020 Sep 17



2020 Sep 16

木村くんの執筆記事が加工技術研究会 コンバーテック9月号に掲載されました。


2020 Sep 14

日本接着学会 第2回若手の会ミニセミナーで招待講演をさせていただきました。



2020 Sep 12

木村くんの論文(BCSJ)がSelected Paperに選出されました。


2020 Sep 11

「みらいぶっくリサーチ」からご依頼いただいた中高生向けインタビュー が公開されました。


2020 Sep 9-11


Nilanjan DEY(PD)「FLAP超分子錯体の形成に伴う長時間で多段階な蛍光変化」


小谷君(D3)「Controlling the S1 Energy Profile by Tuning Excited-State Aromaticity


2020 Sep 9 



2020 Aug 31



2020 Aug 24

さきがけ光極限の 共同研究成果  (齊藤&倉持, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.) が JST News に掲載されました。


2020 Aug 20

木村くんの執筆記事がacademist Journalに掲載されました。


2020 Aug 13

Two papers on FLAPs (JACS, BCSJ) have been now released.


2020 Aug 10

A paper on the excited-state aromaticity has been accepted by J. Am. Chem. Soc. The title is "Controlling the S1 Energy Profile by Tuning Excited-State Aromaticity". This is a collaborative work with Dr. Hikaru Kuramochi (IMS), Prof. Tahei Tahara (RIKEN), and Prof. Karadakov (York Univ).

励起状態芳香族性に関する小谷くん(D3)の論文がJ. Am. Chem. Soc.にアクセプトされました。論文タイトルは"Controlling the S1 Energy Profile by Tuning Excited-State Aromaticity"です。倉持光 准教授(分子研・さきがけ光極限)、田原太平 教授(理研)、Prof. Karadakov(York Univ)との共同研究です。


2020 Aug 10

A paper on the boron-doped graphene nanoribbon has been accepted by Physical Review Letters. The title is "Magnetism of topological boundary states induced by boron substitution in graphene nanoribbons". This is a collaborative work with Prof. Nacho Pascual (CIC nanoGune, Spain). The content can be seen here.

ホウ素ドープグラフェンナノリボンに関する共同研究論文がPhys. Rev. Lett.にアクセプトされました。Prof. Nacho Pascual (CIC nanoGune, Spain)、山口茂弘 教授(名古屋大学)との共同研究です。


2020 July 14

FLAP分子およびFLAP高分子に関するPCT出願(PCT/JP2019/008463)の国内移行が完了しました(国内移行日 2020年7月9日;特願2020-505023)。FLAPの特許についてはこちら


2020 June 12

Press release on flapping peryleneimide has been issued from Kyoto Univ, RIKEN, and JST.



2020 June 10

Two papers on a perylene-based FLAP have been accepted in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. and Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.

木村僚くん(M2)の論文がAngew. Chem. Int. Ed.およびBull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.に採択されました。おめでとうございます。


2020 June



2020 May 8



2019 Dec 17

ニューガラスフォーラム ガラス科学技術研究会「新材料の接合・剥離のメカニズムと最新技術」 (東京, 新大久保)にて、ライトメルト接着材料の最新展開に関する招待講演を行いました。


2019 Nov 12

東京大学 相田研究室にてこれまでの研究に関する講演をさせていただきました。


2019 Nov 8

超分子研究会・精密ネットワークポリマー研究会 第3回合同講座「Network PolymerとSupramoleculesが織りなす接着の世界~分子間相互作用とネットワーク構造に基づく接着機能の構築~」(早稲田大学, 西早稲田キャンパス)にて招待講演を行いました。講演タイトルは「光で剥がせるライトメルト液晶接着材料の最新展開」です。


2019 Oct 25

Oral presentation was given at the Final International Symposium on Photosynergetics in Osaka. The title was "Functional Photoactive Materials Based on Flexible pi Molecules".


2019 Oct 16

レオロジー討論会(滋賀県立大学)で架橋高分子における分子レベルの応力集中に関する口頭発表を行いました。名古屋大学の増渕先生との共同研究で、名古屋大学の増渕先生との共同研究で、講演タイトルは「力に応答する発光分子FLAP をもちいて架橋高分子の局所応力集中を理解する」です。


2019 Sep 27

 高分子討論会(福井大学文京キャンパス)「発動分子科学が拓く機能分子設計とエネルギー変換」 で依頼講演を行いました。講演内容は「羽ばたく光機能分子FLAP を活用した高分子の局所応力解析と新型ライトメルト接着材料の開発」です。


2019 Sep 24-26



2019 Sep 13

「電通大先端化学セミナー」(電気通信大学, 調布)でこれまでの研究に関する招待講演をさせていただきました。


2019 Sep 12



2019 Aug 29



2019 Aug 27



2019 July 31

Invited lecture was given at International Conference on Excited State Aromaticity and Antiaromaticity (ICESAA) 2019 in Sigtuna, Sweden. The title was "Flapping Molecules That Work By Excited-State".


2019 July 25

Oral presentation was given at The 18th International Symposium on Novel Aromatic Compounds (ISNA-18) in Sapporo, Hokkaido. The title was "Flapping Molecules for Photofunctional Materials".


2019 July 2

両親媒性FLAPの単分子膜を気水界面で圧縮し、蛍光変化を追跡した研究について、論文がChem. Asian J.誌のVery Important Paper (VIP)としてアクセプトされました。本研究はNIMSの中西和嘉先生、有賀克彦先生との共同研究です。

A paper on compressed FLAP monolayers has been accepted as a very important paper (VIP) in Chem Asian J. Fluorescence response of amphiphilic flapping molecules was monitored in compressed monolayers at the air-water interface. This is the collaboration with Prof. Waka Nakanishi and Prof. Katsuhiko Ariga (NIMS).


2019 June 17-22

Stanford大学で開催されたUS-Japan Polymer SymposiumでFLAP材料に関する招待講演を行いました。

Oral presentation was given at  US-Japan Polymer Symposium  in Stanford, the US. Thanking the organizers, Prof. Kyoko Nozaki (Tokyo Univ), Prof. Robert Waymouth (Stanford Univ) and Prof. Yan Xia (Stanford Univ).


2019 June 14-16

光化学若手の会(東京, 八王子)でFLAPに関する招待講演を行いました。小谷亮太くん(D2)が励起状態芳香族性の研究でポスター賞を受賞しました。


2019 May 23

Patent on the FLAP mechanophore was registered on Dec 7 (Patent number 6444429).



2019 Apr 13

Book chapter of FLAP has been published from Pan Stanford Publishing.

This chapter, "Rigid-flexible hybrid design for photofunctional molecules and materials" is included in the book of "Light-Active Functional Organic Materials", edited by Prof. Hiroko Yamada and Prof. Shiki Yagai.


2019 Mar 15

Book chapter of FLAP has been published from Wiley Online Library.

This chapter, "Flapping Molecules for Photofunctional Materials" is included in the book of "Molecular Technology Vol. 3: Materials Innovation", edited by Prof. Hisashi Yamamoto and Prof. Takashi Kato.


2019 Mar 15

Dr. Saito received Toray Science and Technology Grant for his research on the viscoelasticity of the light-melt adhesive.



2018 Dec 19

Dr. Saito was awarded The APA Prize for Young Scientist. The invited lecture was given at APC2018 in Taipei on the development of flapping fluorophores and photofunctional materials.

アジア光化学協会(APA)からThe APA Prize for Young Scientist を受賞しました。台北で開催されたAsian Photochemistry Conference (APC)にて授賞式と受賞講演が行われました。


2018 Nov 28

Invited lecture was given at Aromaticity 2018 in Cancun, Mexico. The title was "Excited State Aromaticity of Flapping COT Materials".


2018 Nov 28

Oral presentation was given at Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting in Boston, the US. The title was "Flapping Molecule as a Key Structure for Light-Melt Adhesive and Ratiometric Force Probe".


2018 Oct 23

化学フェスタ2018(東京 船堀)にて、メカノバイオロジーの研究者との企画セッションで講演を行いました。


2018 Oct 18

Mr. Kotani (D1 student in our group) received the SRJ Poster Award from The Society of Rheology, Japan (SRJ). He presented the research on stress concentration of polyurethane elastomers evaluated by the flapping fluorescent mechanophore.




2018 Sep 26

2012-2016に参画したJSTさきがけ  「分子技術」領域(加藤隆史 総括)の事後評価 が公開されました。



2018 Sep 7

Mr. Yamakado (M2 student in our group) received the Photochemical and Photobiological Science Award (PPS Award) from The Japanese Photochemistry Association. He presented the research of a flapping fluorescent mechanophore activated by thermal void collapse in a crystalline phase (JACS, 2018, 140, 6245).

山角拓也くん(M2)が光化学討論会で材料部門の最優秀講演賞(PPS Award)を受賞しました。発表内容は、FLAPメカノフォアの結晶相転移に伴う活性化です。おめでとうございます。


2018 Sep 5

Dr. Saito received the JLCS Distinguished Paper Award from The Japanese Liquid Crystal Society. The paper (Nature Communication 2016, 7, 12094) was reported on the development of the light-melt adhesive.



2018 May 11

A paper on a FLAP mechanophore activated in crystals has been published in J. Am. Chem. Soc.

Mechanophore Compression is forcefully induced by thermal void collapse in a crystal phase transition.




2018 Mar 8

A paper on excited-state dynamics of flapping acene dimers has been published in Angew. Chem.

Conformational flexibility plays a key role in the efficient singlet fission of the tetracene- and pentacene-based FLAPs.

羽ばたく分子の溶液中Singlet Fissionの論文がAngew. Chem.誌に掲載されました。
本研究は京都大学理学研究科化学専攻 分子分光学研究室との共同研究の成果です。

羽ばたく分子の溶液中のSinglet Fissionに関する論文がAngew. Chem.誌に掲載されました。

本研究は京都大学理学研究科化学専攻 分子分光学研究室との共同研究の成果です。


Patent on Light-Melt Adhesive was registered on Feb 9 (Patent number 6284184).

Patent on a series of FLAP structures was applied on Mar 5 (Application number 2018-39162).


Book chapters on FLAP were submitted for publications (See Review in Publication).


Invited lectures on photofunctional materials were delivered at JAPAN NANO 2018 in Tokyo Big Sight and at Smart Materials 2018 in Osaka.


2017 Dec 7

Invited lectures on photofunctional materials were delivered at PIERS 2017 in Singapore and at Materials Horizon Symposium: Electronic and Photonic Materials in Kyoto.


2017 Oct 17

A paper on "Molecular Movie of Photoresponsive Liquid Crystals" has been accepted for publication in J. Am. Chem. Soc.

This is the first report on the structural monitoring of the onset of excited-state aromaticity in soft materials.

励起状態芳香族性を示す光応答液晶の「分子動画」(Molecular Movie)の論文がJACS誌に掲載されました。







2017 Oct 17



2017 Oct 17

同志社中学校、立命館中学校の学生さん27名を対象に、Japan Prize やさしい科学セミナー 「モノの色は何で決まる?」を開催しました(9/16)。






2017 Aug 21

Oral presentations on the Molecular Force Probe and the Light-Melt Adhesive were given at ISNA-2017 in Stony-Brook, New York, International Itami ERATO symposium in Nagoya, Japan, and SPIE Liquid Crystal XXI in San Diego, California.


2017 May 20

 A paper on "Flapping Viscosity Probe" has been accepted on Journal of Materials Chemistry C.

 Selected as an oral speaker in ISNA 2017 Meeting in Stony Brook, New York, United States.

 Selected as a participant of Japan-Canada Frontiers of Science (FoS) Meeting.

 Two presentations on the Molecular Force Probe and the Light-Melt Adhesive were given at MRS 2017 Spring Meeting in Phoenix, Texas, United States.

 The research on the Light Melt Adhesive was selected as one of "Six Major Results of 2016 from Nanotechnology Platform Japan".

 Presentation was given at JAPAN NANO 2017 in Tokyo BIG SIGHT.


2017 Feb 3

Dr. Saito received the  9th Inoue Science Research Award  from Inoue Foundation for Science.



2016 Nov 24

 Presentation on the Light-Melt Adhesive was given at PhoSM2016 in Nagoya Univ.


2016 Sep 17

 A new project on a series of fluorescent molecular force probes has started. This project is supported by JST PRESTO.

新しくJSTさきがけプロジェクト(光極限)が始まります。発光応力プローブ分子をライブラリー化することで、材料の応力集中や細胞のForce Transductionを高い時空間能でリアルタイムに可視化する局所応力イメージングに挑戦します。


2016 Sep 17

 Invited lecture on the Light-Melt Adhesive was delivered at 65th Symposium on Macromolecules in Yokohama (Kanagawa Univ).


2016 Sep 7

 Prof. Shohei SAITO was awarded Japanese Photochemistry Association (JPA) Prize for Young Scientist 2016 on his achievement of "Development of Flexible Fluorophores and Photofunctional Materials".


Flexible fluorophore "FLAP" designed by Prof. Shohei Saito
The molecular design is based on the hybridization of the rigidity and the flexibility.
The rigidity makes them fluorescent while the flexibility changes its color.
We named this molecular system as "FLAP", namely, FLexible and Aromatic Photofunctional system.



Shohei Saito 齊藤 尚平     ORCID: 0000-0003-1863-9956 Professor
Osaka University
Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science
1-1, Machikaneyama-cho, Toyonaka, Osaka, Japan 560-0043

機能分子材料研究室 教授


2024 Apr 1

Dr Shohei SAITO has been a Full Professor at Osaka University (Toyonaka Campus).

Welcome to our new laboratory! New HP will be launched soon.


2023 Nov 21

A paper on polymer physics of the strain-induced crystallization (SIC) has been accepted in JACS.


2023 Aug 24

Invited to Gordon Research Conference on the Multiscale Mechanochemistry and Mechanobiology. The conference will be held July 2024 at Bates College.


A preprint of the latest study on FLAP force probe has been uploaded on ChemRxiv.

"Dual Ratiometric Fluorescence Monitoring of Mechanical Polymer Chain Stretching and Subsequent Strain-Induced Crystallization"

Kensuke Suga, Takuya Yamakado, and Shohei Saito*. 


A collaborative work with Dr. Yoneda and Prof. Kuramochi (IMS) has been accepted on Photochem Photobio Science.

"Environment-sensitive fluorescence of COT-fused perylene bisimide based on symmetry-breaking charge separation"Ryo Kimura, Yusuke Yoneda, Hikaru Kuramochi,* and Shohei Saito*

Dedicated to Prof. Fred Brouwer


A collaborative work with Prof. Jyotishman Dasgupta (TATA, India) and Prof. Edu Matito (DIPC, Spain) has been accepted on Journal of Materials Chemistry C.

"Triplet conformation in chromophore-fused cyclooctatetraene dyes"

Sunandita Paul, Hidetsugu Kitakado, Kensuke Suga, Ryota Kotani, Nilanjan Dey, Ravindra Venkatramani, Eduard Matito, Shohei Saito* and Jyotishman Dasgupta*


2022 Oct 11

Collaboration work with Prof. Fuyuki Ito (Shinshu Univ.) on the FLAP fluorescent probe was accepted for publication in Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences.


2022 Sep 21

Dr. Saito received  Nozoe Memorial Award  for Young Organic Chemists from The Society of Physical Organic Chemistry, Japan.

SAITO Shohei "Molecular Technology Based on Flexible pi-Electron Systems"


2022 June 21

Collaborative work with Dr. Kawai (NIMS) on spin manipulation of the Boron-doped graphene nanoribbon has been accepted in ACS Nano.


2022 Feb 24

Ratiometric force probe that works in polymer gels has been released in JACS. This work has been released to the press through the ACS Weekly Pacs.


2022 Jan 13

A paper on a ratiometric force probe has been released in  Nature Communications . By using a conformationally flexible force probe, new insights into polymer physics have been obtained.


2021 Dec 16

A paper on the ratiometric force probe for monitoring nanoscale polymer physics has been accepted in Nature Commun.


2021 Dec 9

A preprint was released in ChemRxiv. A ratiometric flapping force probe (FLAP) that can evaluate the nanoscale stress concentration in the polymer chain network of common organogels has been developed. Stress-dependent dual-fluorescence properties of the chemically doped FLAP in polymers have been demonstrated even when the probe is solvated in the wet conditions.


2021 Nov 1

A preprint was released in ChemRxiv. A subtle local viscosity change at the nematic-to-isotropic phase transition of 5CB liquid crystal was successfully monitored by ratiometric fluorescence spectroscopy of a flapping moleucle (FLAP). Anisotropy in the absorption/fluorescence of FLAP in the nematic 5CB was also investigated. This is the collaboration with Prof. Hiroyuki Yoshida (Osaka Univ).


2021 Aug 21

A paper on the analysis of dynamic polymer free volume has been accepted as an Article of JACS.

This work includes multidisciplinary advances in 1) organic synthesis of a new fluorescent probe (N-FLAP), 2) single-molecule dual-fluorescence study for analyzing polymer free volume dynamics (Collaboration with Prof. Martin Vacha and Dr. Shun Omagari), and 3) QM/MM application to fluorophore-doped polymers (Collaboration with Dr. Ryuma Sato).


2021 June 5

Direct monitoring of dynamic polymer free volume has been realized by single-molecule spectroscopy (SMS) of a dual fluorescent flapping dopant (ChemRxiv). This is the collaboration with Prof. Martin Vacha and Dr Shun Omagari (SMS study, TITECH) and Dr Ryuma Sato (MD and QM/MM calculations, AIST).


2021 June 5

A paper on "Nitrogen-Substitution in the Flapping Wings of Cyclooctatetraene-Fused Molecules" has been released on BCSJ.


2020 Oct 31

Force probe bridging pico-to-nanoNewton has been released on arXiv.

Biased nanoscale stress concentration in entangled polymer chains has been demonstrated.


2020 Sep 24

Study on the viscosity-probing function of flapping peryleneimide has been selected as "BCSJ Selected Paper".


2020 Aug 13

Two papers on FLAPs (JACS, BCSJ) have been now released.


2020 Aug 10

A paper on excited-state aromaticity has been accepted in J. Am. Chem. Soc.

The title is "Controlling the S1 Energy Profile by Tuning Excited-State Aromaticity".

This is a collaborative work with Dr. Hikaru Kuramochi (IMS), Prof. Tahei Tahara (RIKEN), and Prof. Karadakov (York Univ).


2020 Aug 10

A paper on boron-doped graphenenanoribbon has been accepted in Phys. Rev. Lett.

The title is "Magnetism of topological boundary states induced by boron substitution in graphene nanoribbons".

This is a collaborative work with Prof. Nacho Pascual (CIC nanoGune) and Prof. Shigehiro Yamaguchi (Nagoya Univ).


2020 June 10

A paper on perylene-based FLAP has been published in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.


2019 July 2

A paper on compressed FLAP monolayers has been accepted as a very important paper (VIP) in Chem Asian J. Fluorescence response of amphiphilic flapping molecules was monitored in compressed monolayers at the air-water interface. This is the collaboration with Prof. Waka Nakanishi and Prof. Katsuhiko Ariga (NIMS).


2019 Apr 13

Book chapter of FLAP has been published from Pan Stanford Publishing.

This chapter, "Rigid-flexible hybrid design for photofunctional molecules and materials" is included in the book of "Light-Active Functional Organic Materials", edited by Prof. Hiroko Yamada and Prof. Shiki Yagai.


2019 Mar 15

Book chapter of FLAP has been published from Wiley Online Library.

This chapter, "Flapping Molecules for Photofunctional Materials" is included in the book of "Molecular Technology Vol. 3: Materials Innovation", edited by Prof. Hisashi Yamamoto and Prof. Takashi Kato.


2019 Mar 15

Dr. Saito received Toray Science and Technology Grant for his research on the viscoelasticity of the light-melt adhesive.


2018 Dec 19

Dr. Saito was awarded The APA Prize for Young Scientist. The invited lecture was given at APC2018 in Taipei on the development of flapping fluorophores and photofunctional materials.


2018 Oct 18

Mr. Kotani (D1 student in our group) received the SRJ Poster Award from The Society of Rheology, Japan (SRJ). He presented the research on stress concentration of polyurethane elastomers evaluated by the flapping fluorescent mechanophore.


2018 Sep 7

Mr. Yamakado (M2 student in our group) received the Photochemical and Photobiological Science Award (PPS Award) from The Japanese Photochemistry Association. He presented the research of a flapping fluorescent mechanophore activated by thermal void collapse in a crystalline phase (JACS, 2018, 140, 6245).


2018 Sep 5

Dr. Saito received the JLCS Distinguished Paper Award from The Japanese Liquid Crystal Society. The paper (Nature Communication 2016, 7, 12094) was reported on the development of the light-melt adhesive.


2018 May 11

A paper on a FLAP mechanophore activated in crystals has been published in J. Am. Chem. Soc.


2018 Mar 8

A paper on excited-state dynamics of flapping acene dimers has been published in Angew. Chem.


2018 Feb 9 

Patent on Light-Melt Adhesive was registered by Japan Patent Office (No. 6284184).


2017 Oct 17

A paper of "Molecular Movie of Photoresponsive Liquid Crystals" has been accepted for publication in J. Am. Chem. Soc.

This is the first report on the structural monitoring of the onset of excited-state aromaticity.


2017 Aug 21

Presentations on the Light-Melt Adhesive and the Molecular Force Probe were given

 at ISNA-2017 in Stony-Brook, New York,

 at International Itami ERATO symposium in Nagoya, Japan,

 and at SPIE Liquid Crystal XXI in San Diego, California.


2017 May 20

A paper of "Flapping Viscosity Probe" has been accepted for publication in Journal of Materials Chemistry C.


Selected as an oral speaker in ISNA 2017 Meeting in Stony Brook, New York, United States.


Selected as a participant of Japan-Canada Frontiers of Science (FoS) Meeting.


Two presentations on the Molecular Force Probe and the Light-Melt Adhesive were given at MRS 2017 Spring Meeting in Phoenix, Texas, United States.